Human Design Help Desk

You try, but there just isn’t enough time in one day to read all there is to know about Human Design.  And then:  How to apply it?  That takes a lot of experimentation, trial and error, and MORE TIME.  But, you want to embody your design and start getting results SOON.

That’s where I come in: Having done so much trial and error of my own, I now lead by example.  You need someone who has “Been there, done that.” 

Get the support you need so you can get results FAST.

Book a Quick 20 min Help Desk Session and Get Answers to your Burning Human Design Questions!

Human Design Help Desk

This Help Desk is perfect for you if you:

  1. Have a question about how to apply something from your chart.
  2. Have already had a foundational reading.
  3. Are working on deconditioning and need some quick guidance.
  4. Have a defined sacral center, and need to check in with your Authority about something.
  5. Have an Undefined sacral center, and need to soundboard.
  6. Have specific questions and don’t want a generalized answer that may or may not work, like:
  • How do I support my Splenic Projector daughter and help her listen to that still small voice?
  • How can I get my Manifestor son to listen better?
  • What is the best way to communicate with my husband who has three of the deaf gates?
  • Where in my chart is my Brand Archetype?
  • What is my next move in my Business?
  • Why is my middle daughter so crabby this week?  Is there something in the Neutrino Weather?
  • Why do I seem to struggle with one child more than another?
  • My partner and I are trying to make a decision, and I am not sure if I am using my Strategy and Authority correctly.  Can you help?
  • I am new to Human Design and I am overwhelmed.  Where should I start?
  • I understand my Authority, but I don’t understand my Strategy?
  • I have both a Sacral Center Defined AND a Solar Plexus.  Which do I listen to?
  • and so many more…

I LOVE good questions!  Bring IT!  And if I don’t have the answer, I have tons of RESOURCES that can help…what are you waiting for?

Human Design Resource, Human Design Questions, Human Design Answers, Human Design and Parenting, Human Design for Parents and Kids